Monday, January 31, 2011
Mi chiamo Emily. No, io non parlo Italiano.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
*YAWN* What time...? ugh.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Making the Most of Homelessness

Thursday, January 27, 2011
From Slightly Terrifying to Fairly Charming
Slowly but surely, I seem to be getting my bearings. Last night we met up with our group from night 1 plus all of the new roommates. University of Maryland got in yesterday and we doubled in size. So the 15 of us decided to wander out for dinner. We walked up to school and then down the hill where we found picturesque cobblestone streets and small restaurants. We worried no one would seat such a large group until one waiter swept us off our feet and escorted us to the back of a little hole in the wall. The staff were singing and joking with everyone there. It didn't take us long to realize we were the subject of many of the jokes (the sign that they hung over our section reading "Office of Immigration" kind of tipped us off) but it was all in good fun and the food was so good we didn't mind. I had Spaghetti Alla Carbonara and it was heavenly!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Bonjourno! Umm, ehh, errr… Si! Gratzie! AH! Sorry…
I found the person with the sign, I was put on the bus, and I got to my apartment in one piece. It’s BEAUTIFUL! There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living room/kitchen/dining room, all with tall ceilings. We also have not one, but three terraces! Everything is minimally furnished, probably by Ikea. The beds are very firm but I was warm and cozy and I slept well, probably thanks to jet lag and exhaustion. We’re about 1.5 miles (yes, I’m clinging to standard) from the university but there is a convenient bus that gets us there. All in all, I’m excited.
Yesterday my two roommates and I walked, er, hiked up to school and looked around. AUR is at the top of one of the highest hills of Rome and the view is fantastic! Later, we met up with some other students and had dinner at a little place called Eden. The menu was completely in Italian so we knew we had scored and when I took the first bite of my real Italian pizza, it was confirmed. The night was topped off with a good, heavy sleep.
I awoke today and made my first breakfast: toast with Nutella. I felt incredibly proud that I could function in Italy well enough to make breakfast. After that, things got a little jumbled. I read in one of my travel books that Italian women never leave the house with wet hair. The Italian grandmothers say wet hair out doors will make you sick and not have children. This is a little bit of a problem since my hair is rarely dry. In fact, I leave the house almost every morning with wet hair. So I shrugged it off as a dying superstition and rushed out of the house for registration at around 10. I had only walked a few yards before I met an elderly women walking towards me. She stopped. Her jaw dropped. She stared at my head as I walked quickly by. I guess it’s still very much alive.
I must have been frazzled because I hopped on the wrong bus and had to switch. While waiting, I realized I had forgotten my passport. I ran back to the apartment where I quickly met our three new roommates, grabbed my passport and headed for the door again. I paused, grabbed my hat, and left.
Oh boy.
Monday, January 24, 2011
But My Dog is on My Yoga Mat!
So yes, I’m on a plane, currently 30,000 some feet-pardon me, 10,000 some meters - over the beautiful French Alps. It’s probably the most unique place I've ever blogged from. Yes, definitely now that I’m remembering I've only ever blogged from my bed or my desk, and those instances were few and far between anyway. But those familiar places are far away now as I race towards my home for the next four months: Rome. I've decided to celebrate my half-way-to-graduation mark with a semester abroad. Goodbye American University, hello American University of Rome! I plan to fill the next 112 days with amazing food, incredible sights, and charming culture. Don’t worry, I’m not completely naive. I am also anticipating frustration, confusion, and home sickness. And you, lucky readers, will get to hear all about it…as long as that procrastination thing doesn't become a problem.
I think it’s safe to say you’re in for a good show. The first episode includes Emily getting through customs, finding a sign in an international airport, and then, hopefully, being placed on a bus with a packet of papers. Where is the bus going? What do the papers say? Where will I live and who with? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out because even I don’t have answers to any of those questions.
Well, here we go. Ciao!