Monday, January 24, 2011

But My Dog is on My Yoga Mat!

New Years come with New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve never been very dedicated to having one let alone keeping one, but I do appreciate the idea. Any reason to pledge self-improvement is a good one, right? Anyway, if I had made a resolution it probably would have been about procrastination, something I think the vast majority of us college students struggle with. Take this post as the perfect example. I have been meaning to write this post for over a month. It’s a pretty significant one and yet, as usual, I find myself typing here, on the plane, probably seven or eight hours past what should have been my ABSOLUTLY FINAL Deadline.

So yes, I’m on a plane, currently 30,000 some feet-pardon me, 10,000 some meters - over the beautiful French Alps. It’s probably the most unique place I've ever blogged from. Yes, definitely now that I’m remembering I've only ever blogged from my bed or my desk, and those instances were few and far between anyway. But those familiar places are far away now as I race towards my home for the next four months: Rome. I've decided to celebrate my half-way-to-graduation mark with a semester abroad. Goodbye American University, hello American University of Rome! I plan to fill the next 112 days with amazing food, incredible sights, and charming culture. Don’t worry, I’m not completely naive. I am also anticipating frustration, confusion, and home sickness. And you, lucky readers, will get to hear all about it…as long as that procrastination thing doesn't become a problem.

I think it’s safe to say you’re in for a good show. The first episode includes Emily getting through customs, finding a sign in an international airport, and then, hopefully, being placed on a bus with a packet of papers. Where is the bus going? What do the papers say? Where will I live and who with? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out because even I don’t have answers to any of those questions.

Well, here we go. Ciao!

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