Thursday, March 31, 2011

View from the Half Way Point

I have a count-down clock on my desktop.  Today it says "45 Days left in Roma."

Usually, these clocks are used to count down to a celebration, but this one is different.  It's a little way of reminding myself to make the most of every day and fully experience this incredible time in my life before I take to the skies and head back home.

When I started writing this post in my head, it was a few days before the half way point, 56 days.  It's taken me a little while to get it down on virtual paper, but I think half-way reflections are in order.

Things I'm going to miss about Rome

3.  FOOD!  Pasta, Pizza, Brushcetta, Suppli, Nutella, Mozzarella, Gelato and so much more!  All of the food I make here is delicious!  I am convinced it is the ingredients.  Back home, if you want fresh, clean food, you pay a little extra at the local grown organic farmers market.  But here, it's the exact opposite!  You want preservatives trucked in from across the country?  You shell out more cash.  Perfect for the college budget!

2.  The PEOPLE!  From the lovely ladies of apartment 3A, to the friends I've made from around the world, there are some incredible people here that I am going to miss.

1.  ROME!  I walk out my door and I see some of the most historically important and impressive ancient artifacts of all time.  I can eat gelato by the Pantheon!  I can take the bus right by the Colosseum!  This city is truly amazing.

Things I miss about home

3.  FOOD!  I love Italian food, but I've been craving Chipoltle, Olga's, and Dad's Sunday steak nights for a long time.

2.  ENGLISH!  Italian is a beautiful language, but it was very nice being in England and knowing what people were saying.

1.  The PEOPLE!  From my Leo3 peeps to K through 12, my friends around the world to my wonderful family.

This experience is amazing and I am enjoying every day, but I'm also going to love going back to Michigan and Washington, my two favorite places in the world.

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