St. Peter's during Holy Week, CRAZY! |
Things I learned this week:
1. Easter Week in Rome is crazy!
There are so many people! The program alumni warned me that come spring time, I would be grumbling about tourists just like the locals, but I've tried to keep in mind I'm just an extended tourist with no right to get annoyed. People flock to DC and Michigan all the time because they are beautiful places to visit. Rome is an even better example. It's an amazing place that I think everyone should see.
Drinking from the fountain at the Orange Gardens |
2. I know my way around!
Every time we went downtown, we probably took a different bus line. I'm glad I've worked out how to get where I need to go, even if it took four months. Anyway, this came in handy when running around the city all weekend.
3. I walk, A LOT!
My sense of distance has made the European switch! (At least part way.)
Between sporadic bus strikes, getting lost and confused, and not having a real winter, walking is just a bigger part of life here. When I get back to DC, I hope I don't bother waiting for the AU shuttle to take me the 3/4 of a mile to the metro.
4. I'm not very good at bargaining down prices with street vendors.
Travis, with his months of Jordanian Bazaar training, kind of showed me up on that front while buying a little something for his host sister.
5. I don't appreciate trees enough.
...According to the guy currently living in the desert, but I think it's a good point anyway.
Spanish Steps Ahhhh! |
Before I left, our program advisor told us "Yes, go see Europe, but don't forget about Rome!" She's right. It's easy to get caught up in travel and school. Sometimes, on my free days, I'd rather just sleep in, relax, and watch a movie. And that's fine every once and a while, but there is a lot to see in this incredible city and I'm glad I've had this month to run around it with friends and family, putting to use what I've learned in my "All Rome All the Time" semester.
So we did St. Peters, the Capitoline Hill, the Forum, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, the Famous Keyhole, the Orange Gardens, Trastevere, Monteverde, Tiber Island, AUR, Giolitti, and Villa Pamphili. Whew.
But while playing tourist, we dove into the real Rome. We ate at my favorite restaurants: Le Fate, MoMo, and we even tracked down the best pizza in Rome at Dar Poeta. MMM!
Villa Pamphili |
On Thursday we had a picnic on the Aventine Hill. We took the bus up to school and walked into the deli on the corner. The two guys at this place really know their trade, because they throw together delicious sandwiches with fresh cheese, meats, and sauce. I ask for two sandwiches. They ask what kind, and I say "una sorpresa!" I love going there because the whole experience is just so Italian, and the sandwiches are amazing!
Easter Monday night, I was surprised by our dear family friend Gary and his wonderful fiancée Amy. We had dinner at Le Fate which included some excellent Cacio e Pepe pasta and a mysterious "Chocolate Salami."
Food, Friends, and Rome! What more could one ask for?
Well, I guess one could ask for more photos. So here they are!
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