Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Weekend in Paradise (The Amalfi Coast) Day 2: Positano

Day 2: Positano

If you ever get a chance to visit the Amalfi Coast, DO IT!  However, prepare to do a lot of walking.

We woke up Saturday morning snug and warm in our 7Hostel a thunderclap.  All week we had been biting our nails and carefully watching the "chance of precipitation" fluctuate.  When we asked our Bus2Alps leaders what we would do in case of rain, they always quickly replied, "Oh, it won't rain."  Always the optimists.

We had already paid for the bus so we piled on and drove down to Positano.  It was one of those "OH-MY-GOD-SLOW-DOWN-THE-BUS-IS-GOING-TO-FALL-OFF-THIS-CLIFF-COULD-YOU-TAKE-THAT-TURN-ANY-FASTER?!" rides, but the view was beautiful.

We got off at the top of the coast and looked down at the beach below.  Remember when we went up all those stairs in Capri? We went down them in Positano.  Hundreds of wet, slippery stone steps later, our knees were shaking and our legs were ready to collapse.

In Northern Michigan you don't really go out in the rain (unless you are troopers like Anna Mae, Linda, and Travis and run around Mackinac Island anyway).  If anything, the library is a good place to spend the day, but mostly we just turn on a heater and curl up with a book or a movie.  I suspect Positano is the same way.

The town was quiet and almost deserted apart from Bus2Alps and a handful of tourists.  Our shoes got soaked in a matter of minutes and soon we were shivering by the shore.  A few of us ducked into a restaurant mainly because it had heat lamps.  It only took a few seconds of menu browsing before we found something that sounded like heaven: Ham, Egg, and Cheese Crepe.  Soon we were forgetting our frozen toes and reveling in warm, cheesy goodness.

After brunch, the boys took their football and the girls hit the shops.  As expected, the economy in Positano is comprised mainly of sunglasses, beachwear, and jewelry, all incredibly expensive.  We had a lovely couple hours window shopping and daydreaming of a time when our broke college days are over and we can spend our days lounging on a yacht.

Our Bus2Alps trip leaders decided to bump up our departure time, so we headed back to the hostel around 3pm.  I jumped in a hot shower to thaw before participating in our unscheduled group activity for the day: Nap Time.  No one felt like going anywhere, so 7Hostel arranged a 9-euro all-you-can-eat pasta buffet for dinner and invited a live band to play in the club.  They specialized in feel-good 90s music and we rocked out to some Shania Twain until we had to head up to bed.

Next up: Pompeii!

See photos of the entire weekend HERE!

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