Sunday, January 30, 2011

*YAWN* What time...? ugh.

According to NASA, it takes one day for every time zone you cross for your body to adjust and your mind to recover from jet lag.

I think I crossed six, and I don't know if the day you arrive counts as day 1. So, by my calculations, I should be well rested and fully adjusted today or tomorrow, right?

WRONG. I tried to wake up at 9 today and I finally dragged myself to the shower around 11 (which is kind of embarrassing because the shower is literally 5 feet away from my bed). As disappointed as I was when I checked the time this morning, it's probably normal. I don't think the NASA scale takes into account the excitement factor or the sheer awesomeness of being in ROMA!

Why did I take on the monumental task of waking up at a normal hour? (Ok, I know, but it's normal by college standards) Because tomorrow is my FIRST DAY OF CLASSES!!! YAY! I'm very excited.

For those who haven't heard, a few months ago I sat down with my trusty calendar and famous weapon of choice (Stabilo Pens) and created possibly the most incredible schedule ever. I'm taking Roman History, Roman Art History, Roman Sociology, and Italian Language. ALL ROMA ALL THE TIME! And the best part?

I only have classes Mondays and Wednesdays. :)

These photos are from the AUR Welcome BBQ! At orientation, they told us about the different stages of culture shock. I think this is the university's attempt to help us feel more at home. They served us burgers and chips! Again, I didn't realize how much my body was missing some good old protein amidst the onslaught of carbs.

I can't believe it's taken me this long, but allow me to introduce the beautiful ladies of Apartment 3C! From left to right, Brigid, Caitlin, Becca (My Roomie!), Dorothy, and Kristin.


  1. Nice pic and always happy to read your blog postings niece...I could use one of those strong espressos right now. Keep on having fun!

  2. Great photos! Can't wait to hear how classes are tomorrow.
